08 9377 1620  I  admin@bassochurch.org.au

Perth Women’s Convention – Basso Hub

Date: October 23, 2022
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Basso Church

This year the Perth Women`s Convention will be held in hubs at local churches, around Perth and regional areas, with the sessions being done by video link (not in person).  Basso Church will hold our own hub, for our own church women. If you’re interested in joining us at Basso, please see Sue Whisson in the breezeway after church this morning. Cost is $15.00 cash, for registration (fees go to PWC to cover their expenses).
If any woman wants to visit another local hub, you would need to organise this yourself—visit pwc.ccowa.org to see where you can attend, and how to register.


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