Our core beliefs are set out in our Statement of Faith, which you can access here: Statement of Faith
What we aim to be
We aim to be a God-focussed, Christ-centred, Bible-believing church that faithfully proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ – He is the only Saviour from sin in whom we trust, and the Lord to whom we must submit. We seek to bring glory to God in all that we say and do, and we seek to encourage people to grow in their walk with Him as they trust in and follow His Son, Jesus Christ, in the power of His Holy Spirit.
Some Churches of Christ principles
As part of the movement of the Churches of Christ, we also aim to practice the following principles summarised by our founding forefathers:
“Christ is the head of the church.”
“The Bible is our final authority.”
“Where the Scriptures speak we speak; where the Scriptures are silent we are silent.”
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love.”
“We are not the only Christians; we are Christians only.”
“Mutual ministry by all members of the congregation.”
“Observe the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper”.