We want to build relationship within our church family and the local community. As well as meeting together on Sundays, we also have a number of mid-week activities and meetings which you are welcome to attend.
Community Craft Group
Join us as we bring along our own craft projects, or learn a new craft. A great way to connect with others in the community. Cost is $1, for a morning tea. All ages welcome.
Tuesdays 9am – 11.30am (during school terms)
Home Groups
Small groups are an important way to help people grow in their Christian life and enjoy fellowship with other Christians.
We have a number of small groups that meet in homes throughout the week (which we call Home Groups) to pray together, study God’s Word and to encourage one another.
Click here to find out more, and to access the latest Home Group Studies
Mondays 1.30pm | Tuesdays 7pm (two groups running one for teens yr 9 +, and one for adults via Zoom) | Wednesdays 7.30pm | Thursdays 8pm (via Zoom) – all during school terms
Youth Groups
Friday nights are youth nights! We cover ages from grade 1 through to uni students. Our youth have a great time together, playing games, hearing a bible message, and enjoying supper.
Click here for more information on what our youth get up to.
Junior Youth Group (Years 1-6) meet Fridays 6-7.30pm (during school terms)
Teen Youth Group (Years 7 to first year uni) meet Fridays 7.30-9.30pm (during school terms)
Men’s Fellowship
Our men get together once a term, to encourage each other in what God is doing in their lives, and to learn from God’s word.
The 2024 meetings are planned for 12th February / 27th April / 30th November, and at the Perth Men’s Convention on Saturday 17th August.
Women 2 Women Fellowship
The ladies also meet up once a term. These meetings are always encouraging, as we support each other in our lives.
The 2024 meetings are planned for 16th March / 25th May / 7th December, and at the Perth Women’s Convention in October.
As well as our regular activities, the church holds a variety of events throughout the year. Click here to find out what events are on soon.