08 9377 1620  I  admin@bassochurch.org.au

Here you’ll find our Church Safe forms.

The Church will employ three forms for use, for reporting, escalating matters for attention and if necessary, action:
(click on the form you want, to download a PDF of the form for completion)

Incident Report Form – click to access
Completed whenever an incident or injury requiring first aid or secondary medical attention occurs.
Can be completed for ‘near-miss’ incidents or Health and Safety concerns.
Completed forms to be forwarded to Church Administration E: admin@bassochurch.org.au

Ouch Report Form – click to access
For Creche settings, whenever mild medical attention is provided, or to bring a matter to the parent’s attention (such as a scrape, use of band aide).
The completed Ouch Report form is to be signed by the parent, and a copy provided to the parent. Please also email to Church Administration E: admin@bassochurch.org.au

Matter of Concern Form – click to access
Completed for any matters that are to be referred to our Safe Ministry Representative (Zalman Jacques or Alana Borgogno).
The Basso Church Safe Ministry Representatives are a contact point for people within Church to raise concerns, or report an incident or complaint, specifically regarding abuse or suspected abuse.
You can see Zalman or Alana in person, or email completed forms to Alana E: alana@bassochurch.org.au )

For more information on recognising abuse, visit: https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-communities/identifying-child-abuse-and-neglect


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